
Saturday, July 26, 2003

This is the part of the Constitution that is close to finished. Note that Art. II Sec. 4 is not finished.

Constitution of the Dual Principality of Amagi

We Stephen and David by grace of birth sovereign to all those who would tender us their allegiance greetings. We do proclaim that we shall govern in accordance with this constitution.

Chapter 1 Rights, Citizenship, and the Federation

Art I Rights of Man
The protection of individual rights is the first duty and sole justification of all state authority.
Sec 1 The Right to Life
No person shall be deprived of their life without due process of law upon a charge of treason, premeditated murder, or murder in the commission of a crime.
Sec 2 The Right to Liberty
No person shall be deprive of their liberty without due process of law upon a charge of murder, rape, assault, robbery, theft, fraud or vandalism or attempt to commit the same.
Sec 3 The Right to Property
No person shall be deprived of their property with out due process of law upon a charge of assault, robbery, theft, fraud or vandalism or attempt to commit the same.
Sec 4 The Right to Freedom of Opinion, Expression and Assembly
The legislature shall make no law regarding the establishment of a religion. The legislature shall make no law to restrict or prevent an individual from using his property to spread his views. The legislature shall make no law to restrict or prevent a peaceful assembly of people on private property.
Sec 5 The Right to Bare Arms
An armed citizenry being the bulwark of a free state, the right of the individual to keep and bare arms shall not be infringed.
Sec 6 Protection of Person and Property
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not violated. Warrants shall be issued only on probable cause upon oath or affirmation and particularly naming the place to be searched and persons or things to be seized.
No property shall be taken for public use except in time of war or insurrection and then only after just compensation is paid.
Sec 7 Rights Not Enumerated
The Enumeration of certant rights in this document shall not be held to disparage others not enumerated which are retained by the people.

Art II Citizenship

Sec 1 Requirement for citizenship
Any person resident in the principality who has reached the age of 16 years and has completed three years of active duty or 5 years of a thirty year term of militia duty. May by paying the income tax set forth by the legislature, become a citizen of the principality. Failure to pay income tax or failure to complete the full 30 years of militia duty will result in revocation of citizenship, unless the failure to perform the militia duty is due to travel in the interests of the principality.
Sec 2 Non Citizens
Any person who has resided with in the principality for a period of not less then two years and has renounced all allegiance to any other polity or who is a native born resident of the principality and has not taken an oath of allegiance to any other polity is a resident national of the principality, eligible to attend the assembly. Any person with in the jurisdiction of the principality shall have the full protection of the law.
Sec 3 The Duties and Privileges of Citizenship
All citizens shall have the right to vote, the right and duty to sit on juries, and the right to hold office.
Sec 4 Honors, the Gentry, and the Nobility
While all citizens are equal before the law, honors and titles exist to reward service to the principality. Three forms of titles, honorary titles, the gentry, and the nobility. (This section is incomplete)

Art III The Federal Nature of the Principality
Sec 1 Free Federation of Free Shires
The Principality is a free federation of free shires. It is also a creation of the citizens who sustain it. Shires may leave the federation as describe in this constitution.
Sec 2 Shires
Shires are territories that have come under the dominion of the principality and are members of the federal principality. Shires are governed under a system of government compatible with this constitution. The points of compatibility are
A. That all persons within it jurisdiction shall receive the full protection of the law
B. That all the rights enumerated in Art I and Article VIII Sec. 5 and 6 of this constitution shall be respected
C. That the sovereign franchise and the holding of office shall be restricted to citizens
D. That the shire shall have an executive whom shall be the Sheriff. The Sheriff shall be a citizen. He shall have served as elected official of the shire of which he is Sheriff. Upon the vacancy of the office Sheriff of a shire, the legislature of that shire shall transmit to the Senate a list of twenty persons it believes to be best qualified to be sheriff. The Senate shall chose from this list the five men it considers best qualified to be sheriff and transmit the names to the Princes. From among these five the princes shall appoint the sheriff.
E. The shire shall have a bicameral legislature one house of which shall be composed of representatives of the governments of the cities, towns, and villages with in the shire.
F. No shire shall enter into any treaty, alliance or confederation: emit Bills of credit; make any thing but gold, silver or copper coin a tender in payment of debt; pass any bill of attainder, expost facto law or law impairing the obligations of contract.
G. No shire shall engage in war without the consent of the Parliament unless actually invaded or in such imminent danger of invasion as will not admit of delay.
Sec 3 Territories
Territories are partial members of the principality. While their government does not have to be fully compatible with the federal system, it must extend the protection of the law to all persons with in its jurisdiction and it must respect the rights enumerated in Art I of this constitution.
Sec 4 Powers not Granted
Powers not granted by this constitution to the princely government are reserved to the shires and the people respectively
Sec 5 Nullification and Secession
A shire may nullify the operation of a law of the principality with in the teritory of the shire by the vote of two thirds of both houses of its legislature with the consent of the Sheriff. It may rescind nullification by vote of the majority of both houses. A shire may not suspend the operation of more than five laws concurrently. A shire may not nullify a finance law or delaration of war or peace.
A shire may secede from the principality by the following method. If three quarters of the members of both houses of the shire’s legislature agree the question of secession shall be put on the ballot at the next election. If the majority of the voters support succession then five years hence, the shire legislature shall again vote on secession. If three quarters of the legislature of the shire agree the question of secession shall again be put on the ballot. If the majority of the voters of the shire again vote for secession, then one year from the date of that vote the shire shall become an independent state. Citizens and resident nationals residing within the shire shall have to decide whether they wish to remain citizens and resident nationals of the principality or whether they which to be citizen of the new state.

Chapter 2 Parliament, Laws, and Legislation

Art IV Parliament
Sec 1 Organization
The Principality shall have a parliament composed of a House of the Representatives of the Citizens, and a Senate.
Parliament shall convene annually on the fifteenth day of June. If parliament has been dissolved and elections held due the failure of a motion of confidence, Parliament shall convene on the 1st Monday following the election.
Sec 2 Powers
Parliament shall have the power to:
Levy a tax upon the citizens of the principality, proportional to their income given that the said tax shall not be for more than 10% of their income except in time of declared war, and shall in no case be for more than 20% of their income. In time of declared war only parliament may create a progressive rate of income taxation but under no circumstances shall the highest rate exceed the lowest by more than 50%, and the highest rate shall, as delimited above, not exceed 20% of income.
To borrow money upon the credit of the principality for the purpose of buying or leasing sovereign territory and to levy a property tax on territory so acquired for the propose of repaying the debt so contracted. If the money is borrowed for the purpose of leasing territory the debt shall become due before the lease on the property expires.
To borrow money upon the credit of the principality in time of war. Such debt shall become due no later than twenty years from the time of it’s contract. And in no circumstances shall such debt be off an amount of more than 45% of the revenue of the Government in the year of it’s issue.
To regulate commerce with foreign nations for the purposes of foreign policy only.
To establish gold, silver, and copper only as the medium of restitution in court decisions and for the payment of taxes and governmental officials.
To provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities and current coin of banks and the principality.
To Provide for establishment of a communications network, for state purposes only.
To secure intellectual property.
To constitute courts inferior to those established by this constitution.
To define and punish piracies and felonies committed on the sea and offences against the law of nations.
To declare war, conclude peace, contract alliances, grant letters of marquee and reprisal and make rules concerning captures on the sea and upon land.
To raise and support armies, but no appropriation to that use shall be for longer than two years.
To pay the salaries of the other executive officers of the principality, but no appropriation for such purpose shall be for longer than one year.
To pay the salaries of the judges and other judicial officers of the principality.
To provide and maintain a navy, but no appropriation for that purpose shall be for longer than 4 years.
To make rules for the government and regulation of the land and navel forces
To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the laws of the principality, suppress insurrections and repel invasions.
To provide for organizing, arming and disciplining the Militia and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the principality, reserving to the shires respectively, the appointment of the officers, and the authority of training the Militia according to the discipline proscribed by parliament.
To exercise exclusive legislation over such district as may by the session of a particular shire and the acceptance of parliament become the seat of the government of the principality and to excise like authority over all places purchased by the consent of the legislature of the shire where in the same shall be, for the erection of forts, arsenals, dockyards, and other needful buildings,
No money shall be drawn from the treasury but in consequence of appropriations made by law, and a regular statement and account of the receipts and expenditures of all public money shall be published from time to time.
To make all laws which shall be necessary for carrying into execution the forgoing powers and all other powers vested by this constitution in the princely government or any Department or officer there of.
No bill of attainder or expost facto law shall be passed.
Sec 3 House of Representatives
The house of representatives shall be composed of members elected three from a district on the same ballot for a term of one year.
Each district shall also elect one representative every year for a term of three years except that should a motion of confidence fail to pass, they shall stand for reelection within four weeks. When a new district is formed, these three members will be elected on the same ballot, the candidate with most votes having a term of three years, the candidate with the second largest votes having a term of two years and the candidate with the third largest number of votes having a term of one year.
Every year each district shall also chose by lot a representative with a term of three years from among the citizens of the district. When a new district is formed, these three members will be chose by lot, the member chosen first shall have a term of three years, the member chose second a term of two years, and the member chose third a term of one year.
No person shall stand for election to the house who hath not attained his 25th year.
Election districts shall be apportioned among the several shires in proportion to the number of citizens resident there in. The number of citizens resident in each shire shall be determined by an enumeration every 12 years. The number of representatives shall in no case be less than one for every five thousand citizens.
The house of Representatives shall chose their speaker and other officers, and shall have the power of impeachment
Sec 4 The Senate
The senate shall be composed of members elected by the legislatures of the shires. Each shire shall be represented by six senators one chosen by the legislature of the shire each year for a term of six years. For the first parliament the legislature of each shire shall elect 6 senators with terms of one to six years.
Further 12 senators shall be elected at large by the citizens of the principality, and 6 senators shall be elected at large by the gentry. Further any man who has served 5 years as: speaker of the house, or as tribune of the assembly, or as ephore, or as justice of the supreme court,(after their retirement) or as a minister of the government shall be a Senator For Life. All members of the nobility shall be senators to the degree outline in Article II Section 4
No man shall be senator who has not attained his thirtieth year, and been ten years a citizen.
The senate shall chose their presiding officer who shall be the Chancellor. The senate shall chose their other officers.
The senate shall have the sole right to try all impeachment’s. When they are convened for that purpose they shall be on oath. When a prince is tried the Chief Justice shall preside. No person shall be convicted with out the concurrence of two thirds of the members.

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